Jen&Kyle Trip Report 2/24 to 3/2

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by Jen&Kyle, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Finally going to get to the last day, Monday, but before I do I left out some info which I think is useful from the Sunday booze cruise day...

    We did do Italian again after the cruise/twister/shower fun and it was great again. Our friends gave them a little cash to expand the reservation from 2 to 4. This was always very easy to do as most tables are 4 seaters. So if you meet friends you can always consider that as a possibility. Another tip on the restaurant, they definitely tend to undercook things as we ran into several people complaining about that. Personnally I love things rare but I understand how others do not. So as a general rule I would recommend if you want it Rare then order Medium Rare, if you want it Medium Rare then order Medium and so on. If this was just one experience then I would say dont worry about it but we experienced this on our two trips to the Italian restaurant and ran into several others who were not happy because the meat or bacon was rare or raw.

    Second thing I forgot to share was none of us got sick on the cruise but several hours afterwards it seemed like the world was rocking back and forth, back and forth. This was definitely not a had too much to drink feeling. I didnt bring any medicine as I have never gotten sea sickness before and I am not sure if there even is medicine for that rocking back and forth feeling post being on the boat but I sure wish I had something come about 11-12 that night because it forced us into calling it an early night, sometime between 12 and 1. Still would do it all over again but wish I had brought some medicine so I could of stayed up until 4 or 5 am again!
  2. kaboom

    kaboom Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    Toronto, Ont
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    Fantastic report so far Kyle and Jen. It was really nice to meet you guys! Hopefully we'll meet up at Temptation again next's our plan anyway!
  3. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    The final chapter...

    Sorry for the 2-3 day delay. A foot of water in your basement will do that. Anyway, on to the last day of our trip report...

    Monday 3/1

    We needed some recovery time after the Sunday booze cruise so we didnt do our normal 5am chair reserving routine. Jen got up at 7 and luckily found 2 but they were the last ones around the sexy pool. Turns out we didnt need them much on Monday. Now before you yell at me there is a good reason.

    We did the normal breakfast buffet and lunch buffet. Nothing new to report there. Started drinking when the bars opened at 10am since it was our last day. Crowd was good around the sexy pool as it seemed like a large number of singles (both male and female) arrived over the weekend. Things really livened up with the Mr. Temptation contest. I wont spill all the beans but basically the most entertaining part is they have all the ladies from around the pool get into the pool and huddle around the pool bar for the competition. We had met up with our new friends cantwait from the booze cruise and had already been drinking at the pool bar so Jen & Vanessa stayed in the water and Chinos actually kicked me out. Girls only. So all the guys stand on the edge of the pool and around the pool bar section that is actually out of the water. Towards the end of the competition the contestants get points for obtaining the ladies tops and bottoms (more points for bottoms). It is very entertaining as the guys try to convince the gals to get naked. A good number of them did. Probably 30 ladies in the pool, 1/3 went all the way, 1/3 topless and 1/3 kept the suit on. All in good fun. I happened to be standing behind 3 single guys who zoomed in on my wife to snap a pic. I kindly asked him to delete it as she was uncomfortable with strangers taking pics and when he refused I told him, not so nicely, I was going to throw the camera and him as far as I could. He made the right choice and deleted it. Cameras, in our opinion, are a problem but didnt stop us from having a blast. See the 'Losers w cameras' post if you want to read more on this topic. Want to keep this positive so I digress.

    Anyway, Chinos at the end of the competition takes the suits and runs down to the ocean and tosses them in and yells for the girls to come get them. I know I got a kick out of all the ladies running like hell to the beach for their suits, even with Jen being one of them :icon_lol:. Very entertaining. Fun games like this set the tone of the resort. Makes Temptation different than any other place you can go. Not the type of stuff we would ever do at home but hell one week a year we want to let loose and leave the kids and jobs behind. We will definitely be back next year.

    We pretty much spent the entire rest of the afternoon doing body shots at the sexy pool bar. Last day so things definitely got turned up a notch. The ladies put on quite a show that I will never forget. I scanned my pics to see if there was one I can share without getting in trouble and I dont think there is. That shows how good an afternoon it was.
    TIP: Get the white cream like shots (not sure of the official name). It basically tastes like candy. Maybe it is the mix from one of the mixed drinks but the ladies seem to love to do shots off of each other when they taste so damn good! Plus you dont want your ladies getting too drunk if the inhibitions have already been thrown out the window anyway, if you know what I mean.
    The weather got a little chilly and overcast which cleared the pool bar area, plus the crazy darts game started and took most peoples attention away so basically the four of us could do whatever we wanted without those randoms intrusive cameras. Oops, started down that path again.
    I think we even distracted Chinos from the crazy darts though because as soon as he was done he came over to apply the whipped cream :)

    Re crazy darts, I definitely wanted to enter that one but due to the obvious distractions I missed it. It looked like some of the guys had to do some crazy things (thongs, covered in whipped cream, etc) but it also looked like a blast. Maybe next year.

    We got to do one final hot tub party with our booze cruise/body shot friends which resulted in missing dinner reservations (can you think of a better reason to miss dinner reservations?). But they did let us get plates and bring them back to the room from the TexMex. This was at our place which doesnt have the privacy shade so hopefully some of you got a nice balcony show (we, or maybe just I, were disappointed that we didnt see many, we read about them on the balcony show thread on the chatter board and expected to see more). Nothing like a hot tub party with plates of food from the TexMex and our own personal bartender Alfredo (looked up the name, I think I had it wrong earlier in the report) bringing over rounds of drinks from the quiet pool bar.

    We missed the nightly entertainment, again, and the trip to the bars (we heard the Monday night trip to Coco Bongos is the best) but did make one final visit to Patty O's around 1am to say good bye to many of the wonderful people we met from this site and at the resort.

    Our pick up for our flight was 6:45am. We did USA Transfers and our flight was 9:30am so they pick you up about 2 hours 45 mins in advance. It worked out pretty good timing wise though. As of course you have to check in and do security and then we had 45 mins before boarding time to grab breakfast. They have several nice restaurants in the boarding area. As I said earlier, great experience with USA Transfers. Highly recommend them.
    TIP: leave time when checking out to fill out the comments form. This is your chance to provide feedback. For us, as you can probably guess, it was about the camera issue and about specific staff that were amazing, Chinos and Alfredo for example.

    Well that is the end (unless I think of anything I missed in the next day or two, I always forget something). Hope you all enjoyed the report and hope even more you enjoy your stay at Temptations. It is a special place and was definitely one of the best weeks we both ever had. As with any vacation, it is what you make of it, so go in with an open mind and take advantage of all the fun a resort like Temptation presents. For those we met keep in touch and hopefully we will see you in week 8 2011! For others, if you have any questions then just ask, we love to talk Temptations!
  4. JetSetGM

    JetSetGM Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    Thanks for your trip report! Truly enjoyed reading about your adventures in Temptation. We'll be going in May from the 20-25th... Want you join us? lol

    Thanks again for the tips!

    Last edited: Mar 15, 2010
  5. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Send me a babysitter and we are there. Grandparents are avoiding us like the plague after their week with our 2 and 4 year olds. They wont even answer the phone :)
  6. misbehaving

    misbehaving Regular Registered Member

    Jan 22, 2010
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    WOW! We were there the same time as you all and we don't remember any of the stuff! LOL! Great report Kyle, Tell Jen we said hey!
  7. ronandsheila

    ronandsheila Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2010
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    Loved the report. Wish I would have had it before I went at the end of March. Had a great time but also wish I would have known about this website before we went. Will definately be going back and hope to see some familiar faces the next time we go.
  8. gns

    gns Addict Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Absolutely amazing... Really makes me want to hurry and get there!! Thanks for the great report(s)!!!
  9. sunphins7

    sunphins7 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 22, 2010
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    Orlando, Fl
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    Jen & Kyle thanks so much!!!!! We are first timers and this really gets us a better picture and is getting us more excited!!!!!!!!!! WOW this next week and a half is going to drag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. glenn/monique

    glenn/monique Titties n Beer Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    Edmonton, canada
    +427 / 1
    Sounds like so much fun............12 days till ours.
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