Jen & Kyle - thank you so much for -all- the pictures and answering everyone's questions. Really helps us get a sense of TTR 2.0. Can't wait to go
Your welcome. Everyone has been so sweet and I really appreciate this community and the care free fun loving attitude it represents. I am about to undertake the more detailed trip report that is typically chronologically ordered and has more of my opinions and insights than what I have done so far (some hate that, some like that, and I understand why). Tried to keep the pictures and comments mostly factual based so far. So now I am not sure where to put it and how much to cover. @Steve should I just add the detailed trip report on here? Or start a new trip report thread? Should I include the Desire portion of the trip or just focus on TTR? To explain the difference, for example, instead of just showing pics at the sexy pool I will share what games we participated in, how they went down, crowd participation, opinions on cameras/chairs/alcohol, etc.
He has gone radio silence on that subject. ha But he could barely stand at that point. Which is why I took a video. lol All in good fun. I don't actually expect him to give me some nights. Steve is a businessman and this is his business so totally get it. But fun to joke about it for sure
I guess once the forehead starts turning in to a "five-head" or beyond you have to consider the bald option! I have never tried it and don't intend to anytime soon as I also imagine myself being somewhat less attractive as a bald man. But you never know. I'll make a note to come back to this thread if that day ever comes to build up my confidence before taking the plunge and shaving.