Just curious... what exactly is "Juicy January Jamboree Week" anyways? Are there special activities, or just a fun title for a great week??
Juicy January Jamboree Week Defined Juicy January Jamboree Week as defined by the prophecy: JJJ's week is part of a spell used to bring out the magic of Cancuncare in the great kingdom of TTR. The prophecy states anyone that is strong in passion and Desire as well as smart enough to join Cancuncare has taken the initial steps necessary to use the magic provided within. Once there the only limitation becomes of one's imagination. Most that have taken those steps have quite the imagination extraordinaire. So imagine for what you seek to experience and enjoy!
28 days and counting, we get there on the 25th for a week, only doing lingerie, schoolgirl and sheer/see through nights. just wondering how daring can we get before being told to cover up lol.
Mrs wears some quite revealing outfits (god bless her) and I'm sure will again this year and was never asked to cover up but did make sure to pack and have panties in the room in case she was ,,
We saw (and wore lol) some pretty revealing outfits and only once did one of our friends get asked to cover up ... she was wearing one of those tops made only of a few strands of chain. As the saying goes ... ask for forgiveness rather than permission lol .. I say take the chance .. worst case scenario is you have to cover up a little.
Looking for a little help for a couple newbies on the theme nights. We will be there Jan 15-19 and want to make sure we make the most of our first trip. What type of outfits do the ladies typically wear and are the theme parties at a specific location or just the resort in general?
Can somebody let us know the theme nights for the week of January 19-25? Or direct us to a thread that has those dates listed? We can only seem to find theme nights for earlier in the month or after we leave. Thanks in advance we are so excited for our first TTR trip!