forgive my ignorance So who is it that decides the theme nights is it something the resort sets up for us or do all of the posters on this site kinda determine it for themselves, we are going to be there from Jan 6th through the 13th and plan on joining in on pretty much everything but also want to be prepared all the same. Any clarification you guys and gals could give would be greatly appreciated and most definately put to good use. Thanks in advance everyone. under 2 months woo hoo.
there are theme nights organized by the resirt, but a lot of the fun stuff is organized by the people going. some favorites are glow night, school girl night, white night... butit really depends on whar gets planned. feel free to create a theme night thread for your week, if there isnt one already created.
We finally booked our trip...January 26th to Feb 2nd. We're really looking forward to getting back for the third time in the last 13 months! Hope to meet a bunch of you there!
Jeff and Beth, Third time in 13 months, impressive. Us first timers will be there at the same time as you. We have already touched base with MandD, CurlsandSmiley and LabradorCouple. They all def seem like alota fun. We are so psyched for this week.
Also a couple in our group is getting married soon and really we are going to be there for their Stag and Doe (Bachelor/Bachelorette Party) is going to an extra rough week for