We have 3 days... I'm trying to work and I keep popping in on here.. it is so hard to concentrate, a friend of ours just called and their staying at the hotel next to temptations.. he said the weather is awsome + 26, on my way to work it was -32.. can't wait to get out of this deep freeze and into sun and fun... can't wait to meet everyone..:lotsofmichaelfs: and party like a rock star...
I google the royal resort cancun live webcam to see what the weather is like on the beach and how many people are out enjoying it. A lot of people are out and it looks pretty nice to me considering I'm still in the deep freeze like you.
Hang on you did say -32 didn't you???? I thought we were bad with a record -19 for our county a couple of weeks ago. Compared to you guys we don't have a winter!! We have been following the weather on weatherunderground.com It has a 15 day forecast on there too. People panic when they see rain forecast but as we all know it might only last for ten minutes lol. There is also an archive of previous yrs weather on there and temps. Makes interesting reading
yeah a balming -28 this am.. I cannot wait to get there.. Rain, with what we put up with here a bit of rain isn't a concern for us... Jeff and I walked to a pub a fair distance from Temptations in the rain and then walked back.. it was alot of fun. I will check out that site. Thanks...see you soon.
:announce: I just did the math and we are going to have 60 lounge chair shirts at TTR over the Holiday Season. So I'm thinking we will definitely be a recognized group over NYE week:lotsofmichaelfs: :mexicoflag: :flaguk: :flagcanada: :flagusa: Sorry Spaniscpl they didn't have a flag of Spain:huh:
Irricana Once those shirts are all used and abused just leave them behind for us arriving the next week