AGREED!!!!! OMFG Im tired of COLD!! Im tired of Work!! Im tired of commercial part of Xmas!!!! Bring on Sand Sun Tequila Dos XX Chinos and ETC ETC.. My fat ass is in need of some R&R!!!!!! :lotsofmichaelfs::daveandmo:
It's a balmy 5 degrees this morning, no wind makes it feel like summer compared to the last few days. Sounds like an outdoor Monday Night Football game here, that should be interesting. The count down is on and the numbers are making us smile :daveandmo:
Okay, today I shall focus on the positives... 80 mph wind gusts are better that 90 mph wind gusts... +10 degrees is better than -10 degrees... My power ONLY went out for 12 hours (this time).... My pipes didn't COMPLETELY freeze...thank god for pex! Ahh yes...This time next month I will be at TTR! Now THAT makes me feel warm n fuzzy!
Bar right on the sidewalk!!!!! Right as you are waiting for your transfer the little Tiki bar with beer on ice!!!!! Woohooo gotta love Mexico!:daveandmo: