"Our lager which art in barrels, hallowed be thy drink. Thy will be drunk, at home as in the tavern. Give us this day our foamy head, and forgive us our spillages, as we forgive those who spill against us. And lead us not into incarceration, but deliver us from hangovers. For thine is beer, the bitter and the lager, for ever and ever, barmen." :wuerg011: We will keep some seats warm for ya!
Hi All! We just booked and I am soooo excited! Our 3rd time back but his time for 2 weeks!!! Can't wait. Looking forward to seeing some of the folks from the last year Miss Temptations crew and supporters, what a blast! Hi Steve PLEASE have a Boobs Cruise while we are there January 16-30th! Can't wait to see you too! Hope the family is well. Dianna Mae and Trevor
Yay! Another one coming the same time as us. If you put a picture up we'll be sure to look for you. We arrive around 3pm.
be there jan 22 after missing two years in a row.. this time for our honeymoon, woot woot cant wait!!
28 days until our tirp to TTR! We'll be there from Jan 7-14. Wish it could be longer, but I don't think my liver could handle it! Hope to run into some of our Cancuncare crowd!!
Watching live I was there two JoeCan, we watched the new year's eve game , and even the final, the final came alive with a few minutes left and it almost looked like we might pull it off again, I am a little nervous about our pool this year, may be a disaster.