Yessssssss looking like a great crew for January, we are counting down already to our arrival on the 3rd Jan around 3pm. I just know its gonna be a blast and we will make lots of new friends i'm sure :daveandmo:artytime:artytime:artytime:artytime:
We seem to have a great group between Jan 20th and Jan 30th. We gotta plan a super party, theme nights, etc.
Buddy just gave us 14 more free lounge chair shirts 7 of each color. So if your name isn't on the list let me know and I'll add you.
I also think this is going to be a fun thing for the late december early january group. I'm already thinking of ways to step it up for my next visit so if anybody has ideas let me know:biggrinbandit:
Just booked our second trip January 9-16. Doesn't seem to be a lot of people on the second week. Looking to meet some fun people to party with!:lotsofmichaelfs:
Sounds like tons of fun while we're there...19th to 26th! Hope when we get closer to our actual departure date we can start making some plans to meet up over a few drinks!