NickyD...we talked through PM...I am from Upper Darby, but am living in Ridley Twp right now. Aren't you in Hatfield? I do have facebook... Tori Brown I will be there the 12th-29th, and REALLY excited about it. I hope to make it out of Centro, as I will be staying with my BF, but he will be working ALOT!!!! I see you are having some meet up's, so hopefully I'll be able to make my way over to the HZ. I am still a little freaked out about going out alone.
Correction, you may not be there for the FIRST cancun party, but you should come to our late CCer's party!!! Meeting up at Slices on the 21st of March. Mostl likely at around 6 or 7ish! Let me know if you can make it. PM me