Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by T.J., Aug 1, 2009.

  1. mormis

    mormis I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    Cancun woooo
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    okay maybe im not thaaaaaaat short.. :roll: hahahaha still... 4'11'' should be free too lol
  2. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0

    Canuck - Seems like I read on the Ultramar website that there is no charge for children under 1.2 meters tall. You were robbed babe, unless Max has had a huge growth spurt since I last saw him.[/quote]

    Oh yeah, robbed for sure! They've never charged us for him, I was surprised. He's still my short little monkey, not even 1m yet (though getting close).
  3. aaamigo2203

    aaamigo2203 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Aug 9, 2006
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    I recently went to Isla Mujeres and, even though I'm totally against them doubling the price, I noticed that the Ultramar boat I took there and back was brand new and VERY fast. However, I don't think they really needed to buy new boats as their service was just fine with the 'older' ones.

    In Mexico we have an expression: "hacer su Agosto". Which pretty much means to drastically increase prices during high demand (not necessarily during the month of August).

    I guess these companies want to make up for flu-related losses, but I hope it bites them in the ass in the long run.

    I'm gonna write a letter to President Calderon explaining how this practices go totally against efforts like "Vive Mexico" which he's promoting so much, as Rawkus pointed out. Wouldn't it be cool that marine boats would take people to and from Isla Mujeres for free or even charge a portion of what the current price is? Damn! I just woke up!

    BTW Rawkus, I've been going regularly to Cozumel and that 100 peso taxi fare you mentioned sounds way off. Example: 2 teammates and I take a cab to one of the three baseball parks and we're charged 20-25 pesos for all three of us.
  4. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    aaamigo2203: Regarding Cozumel: I think it was the price per cab so to speak. Im assuming that if we have for example 4 people then the bill would be split in 4.

    The wife is Mexican, so I trust her "arguing skills" :lol:

    Even the hotel guys said the they get complains because of the taxistas and their fierce monopoly on Cozumel...

    Maybe you were lucky? Or we were just ripped off? :mad:


    The "Vive Mexico" was supposed to be a joint cause, until Ultramar decided to try and cash in a little extra... Sad considering most if the hotels and restaurants/bars and attractions have agreed to this "boost program" :(

    Just like you, I hope this will backfire tremendously. IF really necessary, they should have done it at a completely different time, considering that Cancun hardly needs any further blows considering the economy, the flu and the bad press regarding the so called "war on drugs"...
  5. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

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    Dan navieras tarifa preferencial a residentes de Isla Mujeres
    Escrito por: Sarai Reyes - 18/08/2009
    Categoría: Empresariales | Principales
    Visto: 5 veces

    Cancún.- Acuerdan navieras con la Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT) dar una tarifas preferencial de 35 pesos para residentes de Isla Mujeres y 70 pesos para el turismo en el servicio de cruce desde Puerto Juárez.
    Justifica la Dirección General de Marinas Mercantes, el alza a las tarifas de las Navieras que prestan servicios a Isla Mujeres, después de una reunión entre los tres niveles de gobierno y las navieras, acordaron que a partir del 01 de septiembre al 15 de diciembre se cobrará 35 pesos a los residentes isleños y 70 pesos a los turistas, posteriormente se aplicará la tarifa actual de 40 pesos a los usuarios de la Isla y 70 pesos al turista.

    Así lo dio a conocer, Francisco de Jesús Rivero García, encargado del despacho de la Dirección General de Marinas Mercantes, al termino de la reunión.

    En tanto el representante de la naviera Ultramar, German Orozco, dijo, que no cederán a bajar más las tarifas y sólo descontaran cinco pesos a los residentes, y ofreció como opción a los trabajadores que no radican en la Isla cruzar a través del ferri para no pagar la nueva tarifa actual.

    Por su parte la alcaldesa, Alicia Ricalde Magaña, previo a la reunión, dio a conocer que la anuencia para aumentar el cobro si fue autorizado por el municipio, pero de manera escalonada porque así lo plantearon las navieras, es decir cinco pesos cada seis meses hasta llegar a los 40 pesos, como lo refiere el documento en poder de Enfoque Radio, fechado el pasado 14 de noviembre, ahí las navieras plantearon que a partir de la autorización de la anuencia incrementar cinco pesos cada seis meses, y ese mismo día fue autorizada la anuencia en los términos de la solicitud y fue firmado por el secretario Manuel García García, pero dijo, que el error fue no especificar en la anuencia que el incremento seria escalonado.

    En tanto los regidores Baltasar Gómez, respaldó la declaración de la presidenta municipal, y recordó que en sesión de cabildo se aprobó a las navieras subir sus tarifas pero no en la forma como lo hicieron.
  6. aaamigo2203

    aaamigo2203 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Aug 9, 2006
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    Cancun, Mexico
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    So, is there a signed agreement in which the companies gave the option to increase 5 pesos every 6 months until reaching the 70 pesos fare or not? And if there is, WHY THE HELL isn't the government forcing them to live up to it? Perhaps because the very government officials are getting a VERY JUICY CUT??? I wouldn't be surprised.
  7. Isla Zina

    Isla Zina Regular Registered Member

    Feb 3, 2007
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    And I always want to think the best of them. Ha! Gracias a "Repuesto" because the mainstream press isn't covering this.
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