Remember "Yellow Submarine" by Ringo Starr? Well....................I think he was at the turtle farm on Isla Mujeres in March................N O T ! :lol:
Another great video Tom! Just think how fast you'll be able to churn them out once you live here. Be nice for all of us
Moving to Cancun I guess that this will be some kind of official notice..................We bought a home in SM18 when we were on our trip in early March. We will close on it May 28th, Memorial Day which is kind of fitting when you think about it. It will mark the beginning of a new adventure in our lives together, in a place that we love so much. It's a dream come true and one that cannot come soon enough. Although we will own the home as of May 28th, we are renting it back to the owners until January of 08. We are both retiring from of our jobs at the end of December. We are in the process of selling our home in the Chicago area along with all of our belongings. (It's easier to move money than things) It has been a major undertaking that I've been working on for the past 3 years. It has been carefully planned and researched; therefore we believe it is the right place & time for us. We love the people, the climate, the water, and the location. We are both very active. We are both certified scuba divers, and we enjoy all the outdoor activities that the Cancun area offers. We have made some friendships in the area that we value highly. We will be permanent full time residents. So that's our story and we're stickin' to it!
That sounds like a great story to stick to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to you and your wife. You are living out the dream of many. EB
What/where is SM18? I have just started to look at real estate ownership laws for non-nationals in Mexico. I guess I don't have to tell you our (Chicago area) real estate market is a bit soft now, lucky you, to get a nice buffer built in with the lease back. Any words of advise or information learned on your journey to owning in Mexico would be greatly apprecieated. You could PM me so as not to clutter up the post if you have the opportunity. Best of luck and thanks Alice
Wow, congrats on the big move Tom! SM 18 is a nice place to live for sure. Alice, downtown Cancun is divided into areas called "Supermanzanas" or "SM's". The smaller the SM number, the closer you are to the entrance to the hotel zone. The outer reaches of Cancun are not supermanzanas, they are "regiones", some nicer than others. This is not the greatest map (I had a much better one but my bookmarks got erased) but it gives an idea of the layout of downtown.