Daily cataraman cruises can be booked with Sergio @ the towel hut. You can get your own group together & pick your own theme - family style or adults only. If you have never been before Steve's cruises are great however our group tends to get a little wilder than most so our 'customized cruises' fit our bill better. No one gets offended this way. If you don't have enough numbers for a group of your own still talk to Sergio as he will partner groups up to their liking.
NTBABY, thanks for the info. We tend to get pretty wild ourselves, we are traveling with 2 other couples from Houston who are driving down to San Antonio, then we all leave together. For Cathy and I, Craig and Mary, it is our 4-5 time and Eddie and Tricia I think their 2nd or 3rd to BBG/Temptation.