Isla Contoy

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by SamCancun, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. SamCancun

    SamCancun Guru Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Someone mentioned recently about Isla Contoy and that you must go, i've been doing some research and it looks fantastic. I was wondering if anyone knows where to get a fair price for a tour? Apparently there is an amazing reef on the way that goes up the side of Isla Blanca. I'd like to see Boca Iglesia too but not seen too much about that anywhere.

    We went to the lagoon in Isla Blanca yesterday, first time ever (sadly in six years of being here) and walked for ages with the kids, watched the sunset, was a nice spot, I never realized how far it goes up, I though that part where you hit the beach was almost the end but apparently you can drive along the edge of the lagoon and there are roads further up that take you to almost opposite Isla Contoy. I even saw a small hotel on the map but can't find details of it anywhere online so not sure if it's a mistake? (Nah Nukuch eco hotel) Does anyone know if there is anything up there, beach club, shop, looks too far out the way. I'd like to adventure further but need a 4x4 and supplies, anyone that's been that way, any advice is well appreciated.
  2. Trina

    Trina Cancuncare Staff Registered Member

    May 10, 2013
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    If you are looking for a day trip to Isla Contoy, here are a few options:
    Kolumbus tours Isla Contoy Tour and Asterix tours by Entertainment Plus

    I went on the Entertainment Plus tour to Isla Contoy and I really enjoyed it. It's about a 90 minute boat ride to the island, stop to snorkel on the reef, then the guide takes you all around the island to see the wildlife. There is a lookout tower that makes for some amazing photo opportunities.

    It is very peaceful and quite. No big boats, people are there to party. The island is known for being a bird refuge and conservation area. They only allow 200 people maximum to visit each day.
  3. SamCancun

    SamCancun Guru Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Thanks for the info Trina, you know if they have a price for locals?
  4. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I've been there, it's nice.

    You might get it cheaper if you go to Isla Mujeres early and try and buy it on the day. I've seen them advertised there. Bit of a gamble though.
  5. SamCancun

    SamCancun Guru Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Thanks Steve. I'm going to try that other port in Puetro Juarez where the pirate ships leave from, seen all day trips to Isla Mujeres from 350 pesos and it mentioned Contoy so i'll check that out. If I had my own vessel, a Satellite phone, a 4x4 and a trailer (and some more guts) i'd drive to the top of isla blanca, get permission to visit and go for it myself.
  6. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Sam: LOVE Isla Blanca! Take the dogs there and they go bananas and keep to themselves, which gives me enough time to both snorkel and kayak in the lagoon :D

    A bit of advice though: Wandered along the side of the lagoon for a while(back in 2011) and eventually came across a house. Out came 5 dudes with machetes and shotguns(rifles probably?) and chased me away. A local told me "hay narcos ahi, no te metas con ellos." Nowadays I stick to the first area after you pass the restaurant(or whatever it is). Seen two crocs when snorkeling in the lagoon, so just heads up if entering the lagoon, especially if bringing a youngster with you.

    On the "other side" of the lagoon, entering next to Universidad del Caribe, the lagoon is called Laguna Manati. Kind of cool and has some decent sized crocs, but: The way from the University to the actual water is a well known dumping ground for dead bodies.

    @Isla Contoy = yes, a must do! Really awesome place. Make sure you get your spot due to the limitation as well. When I went, I had to get a permit to be able to visit the island. Cant remember where I got it though and not sure if you still have to apply.
  7. SamCancun

    SamCancun Guru Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Interesting, we found the dock to Laguna Manati after I noticed this massive area of water on google maps, we went up through corales and right and down an old road. Lots of Racoons and scary looking people, my wife said best we don't go there again, they said they did boat trips, worried I might not come back though, heard they found bodies in the lagoon too. Where did you enter near Caribe, from the main road on the right and walk in? That's where I ride my bike, up to Punta Sam and back and I try not to look into the jungle for fear of seeing a headless torso. I actually saw a tropical rattlesnack in the road the other day, jumping all over the place after a car nearly took it out, video'd it going back into the jungle while shaking a bit.

    Do you have your own Kayak? I've considered getting one and I'd love to go and kayak on the lagoon, would be a bit worried about crocs though and may not get permission from the better half. Plus now you've scared me from doing my adventure to the top of the point to look over to Isla contoy. It looks like if you can drive past the side of the lagoon (I saw several cars on it sunday night) that a road starts up further up. There is also that hotel on the map but doesn't exist anywhere on line so presume it's not there? Anything else you know that is up there? Shame there is no beach clubs other than pirata morgan, although not too bad there, may consider camping one day.

    When you said you needed permission, was this with a tour? I'd hope that was covered with any tour i'd arrange but I'll try and find out more in Puerto Juarez. Just saw that the numbers of people are limited.

    Going to take my dogs up to Isla Blanca at the weekend for sure. Thanks for the tips.
  8. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Sam: Haha, sorry, didnt mean to spook you(or anyone else!) - just find the entire area leading to Manati freaky. We went there to save some puppies and a bunch of dudes blocked the road when we were coming back, saying "those puppies we were going to throw to the crocs..." "F*ckers!" was the only word I could think of. Many people around there seems to have dodged evolution :/

    I drove right up to Caribe until facing the main entrance, then took a right turn and later a left to get to the area behind the Uni. I think thats where I went - will look at a map tomorrow :)

    Isla Blanca is great. My incident freaked me out(no sh*t Sherlock...) but havent ventured that far since then and will never do it again, haha.

    Man, you have to point out where you saw the snake! Im taking more and more pics of my beloved reptiles - handling a tropical rattler would be fantastic!

    The kayak I use is a friends. Its the yellow one from COSTCO. Works well for me :)

    In the Nichupte lagoon Ive had the luck to have a 2 meter croc passing underneath the kayak. Adrenaline was not to be messed with that second, haha.

    You should be safe with the beast by the way, as they most likely(never guaranteed...) stand down when they encounter a kayak or something of that size. Australia is a different thing though and ONE kayak trip amongst estuarine crocs was enough to make me never want to do it again... Ever.

    I saw a bull-shark in Nichupte lagoon some weeks ago - that was wicked! Im more worried about them than the crocs to be honest.

    The permission was to enter the island in general. Im sure its included in the tours nowadays. Regardless: You HAVE TO go - its really beautiful on Contoy!
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