Is it open yet, and what are they using that area for. Duhh, probably for smoking (selling) cigars. The pics look pretty neat, although kind of small.
What cigar bar are you referring to? At TTR? If so, that is a great idea and a money maker. Do they need a GM to run it???
Our room was near it in May and I think G peaked in there once or twice and it was empty. It is open but they need to do some work on getting people in there I think. Same as Nice Shoes once the show is over. Seems like they arent doing much to encourage people to use the space they are building. :?
It is open but they have not been using it. During the 2 weeks we were there it was only open once for a private function. We were told it has only been open twice for members and a few times for private functions since its completion.
Just back yesterday. Only ever remember it being open the odd time. However, i dont remember much from Temptations lol!
Just back yesterday. Only ever remember it being open the odd time. However, i dont remember much from Temptations lol!
It was open for members twice while we were there. It's kinda small and very humid, and also the smell from the trash compactor didn't help things. Teresa