now i know that there are some die hard oasis fans on here. but there are alot of reviews and pictures. just read it and make an informed decision.. and yes, alot of guys think like you. ooo more spring breakers at the oasis. therefore, sausagefest ensues and dont those beds look nice and cozy for a couple of guys sharing a room :lol:
Hahahahahahahaha! That second video is hilarious. 100% true. I didn't have quite as bad of a room as they did, but the staff are total pricks, exactly like they mentioned, and the food is inedible. The drinks are served in dixie cups and they make you sign a form w/ name and room # everytime you ask for one. By the end of my trip, I just started signing crazy stuff like "Adolf Hitler, room #666", just to see if they would catch on. They didn't. The first video is a bit misleading. The Hotel bars tend to fill up with 95% dudes at night who are too cheap to pay cover at the nightclubs. During the day, around the beach and pool, it is usually 50/50.
would you got there again ? i just booked to oasis today and i am thinking of calling my travel agent and swithing to gran caribe
Hey i stayed at the oasis last year .... i didnt sign for a single drink, i ate every meal bar one in the hotel and had absolutely no complaints whatsoever. And as far as the staff, i found them very nice ... always said hello and when i hurt myself they even got a doctor in to see me for FREE! The rooms arent epic but your not paying for the room ... your paying to stay at an entertaining hotel with heaps of other students wanting to party! tim (die hard oasis fan - ahaha) xx