Post trip update on this topic. I was a little worried about the possible spring break feel at TTR due to our dates. Once we got there my fears were confirmed. In my opinion there were way too many young single guys there. My feeling is that this had a serious impact on the sexiness at Paty'Os each night. Participation in the theme wear I would guess was less then 20%. Probably closer to 12/15%. We made some great friends while there and the ladies like to enjoy each other a little while dancing and on several occasions I had to run off the drunk guys like little teenagers because the ladies were loosing the vibe and feeling creeped out. Really too bad when loads of classy 30/40/50 year old women(and older which is great) think they found a safe place to feel and act sexy without being judged close off to the whole idea because they are turned off buy 22 year old kids still wearing sweaty gear from the sexy pool. Complete with flipflops, hat on backward, no shirt and stupefied drunk. There were many single guys who did know how to behave and I have no problem with them. I was once one of them after all. It's just a shame that may too many didn't.