my friends and i have been stuffing round working out if we're going to go or not and i think made the decision that we are. would it be too late to book flights and accommodation in like mid march? and if it isnt too late would it be like super duper exspensive?
NAh I dont think so. I you trying to just book in mid march, or actually be there in mid march. If not when are you planning to be there?
Oh well you should be fine, theres pleanty of room in cancun. I remember last year booking during the time of March, we used a travel agent, an he was able to book for us, eventhough we didnt go. It might be a tad more expensive, if you book for mid march, IN mid march. But I honestly have'nt seen that much of a significant price difference when booking in March, OR when I just booked in Novemeber for a march trip. It was roughly the same thing. Early or late, same type of price. The good thing is though, the earlier you book the better prepared you are for other stuff. But waste no more time! Book this trip and join the club!! :lol:
I booked mine yesterday, and I arrive on March 1st, there weren't any problems getting the resort I wanted, nor any problems with the flights I wanted. But obviously, the sooner you book, the better, just to ensure you get exactly what you're looking for.
As you may be aware the best week to go would be the week commencing 8th March, (provided you are going for the spring break vibe)
You should be fine with booking.. Sometimes waiting till the last minute, you get better deals, but not always... Welcome to the boards.