People need to travel smart. By that I mean pay attention to your surroundings. We've been to Cancun a few times. Visited market 28 each time we've been there. Would I want to be there at night?... no way. We go out to the clubs and make sure we take a cab back and never we never travel alone. Stay on the main strip too. This is the same advice I'd give to anyone visiting our home town. There are areas where we live that I wouldn't want to hang out after dark. Just be smart and you'll be fine.
The drug cartels use the resorts to launder money thru and need people at the resorts. Like any other city - if you go looking for trouble you will find it. Stay in the tourists areas and you wont have any problems
Every time I go to Cancun, I get a hard time from my brothers and friends about this crap. I'm a lady and not a brave one, at that, and travel alone usually! So I make them a promise that I will just stay at the resort...and I do!
as an american i have every right to say this americans are so damn gullible and ignorant!!!! jeeeeeeeeeeeeeez god gave you a brain use it!!! last year during the end of days - see the end of the world as we know it because of the swine flu everybody and dey momma and daddy asked "why are you going to mexico at this time?" little did these scholars know - that there was absolutely nothing wrong in cancun (or anywhere else for that matter that was not or could not be going on anywhere else on gods green earth)- so why did they all fall in line you ask........... very simple the media took a minor news story and blew it of proportion and the GULLIBLE IGNORANT ate it up like a kid eating his last piece of birthday cake cmon people rob
Well said my friend. If you live in fear then you live with fear. Go, have fun and stay away from situations as you would in every other city or town in the world and all will be good..
Sometimes Rob's posts are too deep for me! But this one I understand and agree. What I meant to say was that I stay at the resort just to satisfy everyone! And I've never felt the urge to go out to the everyone is happy! Especially me!
Jim I did catch it sorry been a crazy day tere - agree think it's a great idea to stay at the resort for a number reasons and just to be on the safe side we only travel in large groups when we do travel - he'll we even avoid the by pass when we go to Temptation and take the long route through the entire hotel zone if at all possible always wise to be safe when you travel whether that be to the grocery store or Rome Rob
Interesting re the by pass. Our driver asked us, bypass or hotel zone? I just said whatever is quicker and then we even stopped at a convenience store. Didn't seem risky but I thought it was interesting how the driver didn't leave our side. Thought he was just being nice. Was that a bad move?
guys not sure if i would say bad or not? we have been on the by pass and no major worry there.........its kinda like this...... i know john rocker caught hell and ended his career because of simply saying he had rather not ride on a certain train and i do not want to say what he said was right or wrong but i bet you my left testicle you would not catch oprah winfrey or david letterman on that #7 train either though - just sayn so with this in mind............ given the choice between driving though a residential neighborhood in south oak cliff to get to houston and 1-45 im going to take 1-45 every time i will use another analogy in baseball when you are in the ninth inning and you got two outs you have a left handed batter up to the plate and you got a one run lead - you play the percentages and bring in your left handed closer ------------- you dont leave your right handed pitcher in the game at this point you play the percentages given the choice between taking the by pass in cancun and the hotel zone - im taking the hotel zone i have to believe that the perecentages would favor me having less of a chance for an incident in the hotel zone than out of the zone........ thats just me think both are probably okay but since im admitedly ignorant of the by pass area and a tad bit out fo my comofort zone - i tend to want to stick closer to the crowded touristy areas when i travel as generally speaking i think these areas are more safe for tourists thats all given the choice i take the route through the hotel zone - like my percentages there better rob