out at holiday parties today or something... its dead in here :-| oooooo was that tumble weed i just saw go blowing by
Should be but couldnt get the day off work to join the lads I go to football with on the annual xmas piss up and dont realy fancy meeting up with them now as they have a six hour start on me and it'd all end in tears :lol: Shall have to therefore drink six times as much as them before the match tomorrow afternoon to make up for it :lol: Ian :lol:
no, thats just for national services which is where iwork. the annual christmas party is tomorrow night...open bar and taxi chits home :? gonna get messy. jen would be jealous of the 4 large buffet tables that will be there then we have a deptartment lunch next thrusday
hello, and all other assorted greetings. I've had meetings and lunch, just got presents... now I'm leaving early to go skiing. Enjoy your weekend, all.