That's me too...I find I work better under pressure! Started looking thru the closet, and ordered a few things on-line, going shopping at the mall this week...what the heck - I've got 23 days to go! I think it's great for those who can pack early...Have a great time and post when you return!!
I've been planning for a couple weeks. Picking up bikinis and outfits and what not. I think the suitcases will come out of the basement this week, and the gradual packing will begin! I HATE forgetting things!
I'm with Hammie. I've been shopping on line since we booked our trip (December) and making sure I have the 'appropriate' outfits for lingerie nights and some trips out to the bars. On the day we're leaving for our trip, it seems I always end up having to take a bunch of stuff back out of the suitcase due to weight restrictions but, I have to admit, I do enjoy looking at all of the summer wear, bubba mugs and bikinis I have ready to go during this -15 weather! Never too soon to pack:huepfen013:
I usually start packing 2 or 3 weeks ahead, just so I know what to buy and what to bring and what still fits nicely...He on the other hand, packs the night before *eye roll*
it`s not just`s a 'guy thing'.....I do the same thing and rarely forget anything, yet Roz forgets something EVERY trip!! :doh:
Thats because we have so much more stuff, ya know, skimpy bikinis, accessories, sexy tops and dresses, more accessories and of course, shoes, lol!
haha omg i hate the last minute man pack too!! I want to beat him up when 30 minutes before we leave for the airport he says "Wait babe let me pack" lol. GRRRR haha
it`s a scientific fact that the 'Y' chromosome has a procrastinator gene attached!! LOL that`s my story, and I`m stickin` to it!! LOL:aetsch004: