I plan on taking £1500 and my friend should have £1000. The only food i will buy is when i am wasted after a club lol.
Dude, I went to Miami for labor day weekend and my tab just at NOBU was over 1k. Vegas Dinners are like 6-800 cancun without limits is 2-4k, easily. especially when you have broke friends coming! who knows i may want to go fishing, buy hookers and blow, the possibilities are endless, with cash. :daveandmo:
Where the hell are you going where you can actually spend $2,000 in Cancun in a week? I did 9 nights and didn't spend over $700, and had an awesome time.
When I'm in a good mood I tend to tip very very well. I dont get many vacations due to the high pressure at work. So when I do get a chance I go BIG. Plus i plan on dropping 3-4 bills at the airport duty free on liquor. I refuse to eat dinner's at the resort. Trust me 2k will flow like tequila.
LOL, Thats when you wake up the next morning and go " jesus wtf did i just do, was it worth it" i been there a few too many times myself.
Let me know where you are going and i will be your waitress, i promise hahahaha seeing how are you planning on spending (consider i live here) man i could live like a queen for like 2 months no lie hahahaha