Yeah, exactly! We actually requested a room near the quiet pool (who knows if it will come through) just so I'd have some chance of getting sleep. I'm thinking the quiet pool will probably be my friend.
Egads...if we had a whole hotel full of extroverts, we'd have no one to listen to all our great stories or cheer on our antics! We need you! The idea to wear an ice breaker with your hometown, favorite team, favorite show or band is a great one. Another trick is that people think YOU are a fascinating conversationalist when they spend most of the conversation talking about themselves. The more questions you ask about their hometowns or previous trips to Temptation, the less you need to come up with to say about yourself. I was pretty shy the first time we came to TTR. I walked up to the sexy pool kind of like a deer in the headlights. Luckily, a friend we'd made on this site was looking out for us, took us under his wing right away, and made some introductions for us. I am sure someone on your roll call would do the same for you.
What makes you think I (we) will let you stay on the sideline? You should know us better than that !!! Two weeks and can't wait to see you at the resort!