I can say this for Shelia.......she requires very little material!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :wink: :wink: :wink: :headbanger:
Heard some of you were having trouble seeing the pics. Try this - it might go a little faster by going this way. http://community.webshots.com/user/acrcouple?vhost=community Bob and Shiela
Bob and Sheila.... I am going to be at Tempation while you two are........I am throwing my vote to any of the peekaboo swimsuits....... I think with Sheila and one of those swimsuits, there wouldnt be a soul wanting to leave the sexy pool.... AJ
Well they are all nice, but Gary and I think that the midnight swimsuits that we all wore beat them all :lol: :lol: What do you two think. :claphappy: :shock: :shock: :claphappy:
I was at Temptations just last week and people from Malibu Strings were there for 2 weeks. They even got a couple of girls from our group to do a photo shoot with Kimmy, one of the model/representative from the company. They have awesome suits. Great bright colors, some shear ones. I think they are less expensive than WW. Great quality, I saw quite a few up close Check them out www.malibustrings.com
:huh: Bob and I didn't see the midnight suits. Can we see them this time? Do I need to do some more shopping or will the ones I have work? :blush: :clap: