Nice pricing but still almost 400 over the rest of our trips!!!! Dont worry we'll be back, just going to have to wait out the pricey prices for right now.....I'm just tired of everything going up so quickly and there's just no time to adjust to it before it goes up again!!! All is well w/me......its something that should have been taken care of long time ago that finally I just gave in.....recover is almost complete and being back to work and back online is great!!! Thanks everyone!!!
Tina- I had no idea! I got your e-mail yesterday stating that you were back to work, but I had no idea what you had been through! I'm glad you're doing well. I had a similar surgery last year (same area anyway) so I can empathize. So glad you're on the mend! Jer and I hope to be back to BBG someday. Our baby is due in 6 weeks, so we won't be going anytime soon! Take care! Karen
Hi Tina! I talked to Catrina Labor day weekend (Thanks Catrina!) and she told me you were doing good and that's great to hear! I look forward to chatting with ya soon! Tina