Immigration runaround - caught in the act!

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Steve, Jul 4, 2007.

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    We all long suspected it but today immigration proved beyond doubt that they are giving many of us the run around just for the hell of it.

    I'm in the process of simply changing the address on my FM3. Last Thursday they told me it was ready but just needed to be signed and come back next Wednesday (today).

    We arrived and as usual there was a long line of people waiting to pick up their documents. After an hour and a half with a bored toddler and cramped stuffy conditions we made the front of the queue. The guy took the paperwork, popped behind a desk for all of 10 seconds, came back and said it still wasnt ready and to come back next week. Jannet, knowing he hadn't even checked, went mad at him, but he said there was nothing he could do and we should queue at the other desk to see when it would be ready. We'd had enough of queuing so Jannet jumped in and asked the same lady who had already told us it only needed signing a week ago.

    She took the papers off us and went to the original guy and told him sternly to find it. 1 minute later, miraculously, it was now ready and he handed it over to us.

    Obviously the guy was just trying to get the queue of people down as fast as possible so he could go home, but it doesn't take a genius to work out that that kind of policy is not going to reduce queues and waiting times :roll: Anyway 4 trips over 3 weeks, around 6 hours of queues, approx 80 photocopied pieces of paper, 2 letters from the landlord and I finally have my FM3 address changed and can press on again with my citizenship application.
  2. aaamigo2203

    aaamigo2203 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Aug 9, 2006
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    Did you happen to take the guy's name down? Or could you provide a description so we will know when we are dealing with the same person? Thanks
  3. Naoautorizada

    Naoautorizada Addict Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    Why do I get the feeling that knowing who individual was is unlikely to help you avoid this problem in the future(!)? :roll:
  4. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Well, you are now one step closer to not having to deal with them anymore. That in itself is a giant leap forward!!
  5. gene37412

    gene37412 Guest

    +0 / 0
    So there is degree of truth to what I always thought about that place.....again I say :double finger: to them
  6. MartinnVegas

    MartinnVegas Regular Registered Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    Yeah, can you find his name/address?....We could wait for him in the parking lot or the bus stop. I'll raffle the numbers for first and last turn.
    Find your ski masks guys.
  7. GONZO

    GONZO Guru Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    Not to make light of your immigration pains. But I find it funny "not" that the Mexican Govt makes it so hard to live there but yet they want the US to open the gates to any mexican that wants to come to the US to work and send money back home. I would love to live down in Cancun but with my patience I dont know if I could handle the lines and BS.
  8. carrie77

    carrie77 Guest

    +0 / 0
    Amen Gonzo!

    Like what about that nice Brazilian bartender I met in Villahermosa? He had no intentions of using Mexico as a stepping stone to get to the USA like the Mexican government would have you believe. He loved Tabasco. He just wanted to make money to send back home to his family.
  9. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    I work in both countries and have legal residence in both countries. I am a citizen of both countries. There are lines and bs in both countries.
  10. gbchayctca

    gbchayctca Guest

    +0 / 0
    Yep, definitely lines and bs in both countries.

    After sitting/standing/walking/pacing outside the US Embassy in Juarez for nine hours in the broiling sun waiting for my husband to come out with word on whether he was approved, I would much rather swing down Av Nader and be told I have to come back tomorrow.

    Granted, I hate being told one thing and then another like you are in Mexico (at least judging from what others said, I didn't have any difficulties other than the typical run around).

    Well, off to try to get the 50 some-odd pages (literal, not exagerrating) of paperwork off to US Immigration before the fees go from $650 to $1150 at the end of the month!

    Not to make light of your situation at all Steve. How frustrating!!!! But as Jim said, one more step into never having to set foot in that office again! And from what I hear, SRE (for when you get your passport) is much easier and pleasant! A one day affair! Unless you don't check your information well and they misspell your middle name as happened to homeboy. :)
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