Immigration Issues

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Cancunscorpio, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Clearly, this "proves" that immigration is "all bad", right? LOL :D

    Why arent you bashing the government, who, when you think about it, are the ones that make this available...? The classical scapegoat has and will always be "them"(immigrants)... Nothing new, especially during harsh, economic times.

    If one focuses ONLY on the negative parts, its actually super easy to make it look like something 100% negative.

    For example: Russians and the increased Russian mafia movement in Sweden - clearly it must mean that "they are all bad", right?

    This, along with the Balcan mafia...? Ooooh, real bad people, right? ;)

    Im sorry, generalization is crap, regardless how you twist it.

    Also, this clearly shows that Cancuncanuck should NEVER appreciate multiculturalism... :icon_mrgreen:

    You should speak to your local government about your concern for the economical contribution they make towards immigrants - they are the ones opening the doors, they are the ones handing out the money and they are tone ones ultimately responsible for YOUR worries.

    Ps. * Couple with two dependent adults — $1,400 monthly - Interestingly, this is LESS(by almost 120$) than ONE person gets in Sweden when on welfare, be they Swedish, Iranian, Iraqi, Russian...
  2. Gringation

    Gringation Guru Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2010
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    From this article, it sounds more of a government problem than an immigrant problem. The quotes in this article make it seem like these immigrants are being welcomed with open arms and smiles by the Toronto officials. It almost seems like they're being invited!

    Anyway, whether you agree with the situation or not, this still doesn't mean all 3rd world immigrants have no skills and no Desire to learn. It just means the Toronto government is offering some of them free money.
  3. matkirk

    matkirk Guru Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2007
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    I think that's the whole point.

    Employers are to blame hiring people because they can pay them less.

    Governments are to blame for encouraging it - look what happened in Britain under the labour government - they opened the flood gates.

    You can't blame the people - if I lived in sh*tville and had nothing I'd look to go somewhere better. If I lived in sh*tville with a load of money I probably wouldn't want to leave, which is why you don't always get the most educated people coming on the busses from Hungary or wherever, but if whichever country welcomes them then they will come and so would I. And I'd say the vast majority are good people in search of a better life than they had.

    Be angry with Canada if you want to but don't be angry with people because Canada gives them all these benefits.

    I think you need to start trying to see the beauty in the world as well as the bad side. Does immigration in x really affect my life in a bad way? No, so I won't spend my time worrying about it.

    Interesting debate though.
  4. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Dear, dear, Mat.

    The Maastricht Treaty was signed under John Major's Government in 1992, 5 years before Labour got into power and established the EU paving the way for other countries entry and right of abode in any member state country.

    Countries joining the EU
    2004: Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia.
    2007: Bulgaria and Romania

    It's the expanding EU that led to huge legal immigration to the UK from poorer parts of Europe and that was a Conservative decision.

    As for illegal immigration to the UK the laws actually got stricter under Labour with the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act of 2002 and tighter still in 2006 again under Labour with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006.

    But dont let the facts obscure your blue tinted specs :)
  5. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Point taken: You are NOT in favor of multiculturalism... Fair enough, not everyone has to be. :)

    But... how does these Canadian "sections" apply to lets say Sweden, England etc that you also mentioned...?

    Sounds like you are pissed off with the Canadian government, yet aim your anger at immigrants...?

    And when you say "And to you, all the fans of mulitculti: please, explain and comment the following:" You are, again, generalizing, heavily...

    Im a huge fan of multiculturalism - It has opened my eyes, it has given me a hell of a lot more opportunities than I could EVER have imagined, and also knowledge and an open mind towards other cultures than my own.

    Now, does this mean that I "like" every single immigrant in the entire world? Im sure I dont even have to answer that, but, just to be sure, no, I dont.

    However, what I have been taught, is to differentiate between peoples actions, rather than where people are from...

    If I HADN'T learned that, "all Russians would be alcoholics, all Finns would carry knives, all blacks would be gang members.." etc. Im sure you get the point, right?

    For me its simply INSANE to let the actions of some label the rest...

    Its been an interesting "discussion"(in lack of a better word...), but its becoming a BIT too much "FOX News" over it all for my taste - Im sure O`Reilly would LOVE this shit...

    Im out - hope I got my point across, if not, well... What to do, right? ;)
  6. matkirk

    matkirk Guru Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2007
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    Labour wanted mass immigration to make the UK more multicultural.

    Look at the stats - National Statistics Online - Migration

    Steve, you know as well as I do that Labour did it on purpose and wanted mass immigration, it's no secret, they openly admit that. Nothing to do with the right.

    Now I'll sit back and wait for you to somehow blame it all on Maggie Thatcher. :ranting1:
  7. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Cancunscorpio: Im confused... You migrated to Canada, right? What makes you different from the nationalities(yes, entire nationalities) you badmouth..?

    Or are you an exception somehow? Your not as "much immigrant" as the "others"...?

    Really don't understand that point of view, sorry... Wont even try to, since I think its BS(just being honest).

    You are not a fan of multiculturalism ie: immigration, so your opinion is that each race/color/"culture" etc should simply stay where they were born...?

    My first question is: When are you leaving Canada to go home..? ;)

    This part scares me: "no I'm NOT a fan of mulitculti. I value honesty, integrity, fairness" - So immigrants, other than yourself, lack these "traits"...?

    Where do you draw the line? European immigrants are "a-ok", but non-Europeans not...?

    31 years of life, and I have still NEVER "gotten in deep shit" thanks to immigrants/immigration... Considering that I have lived in multiple countries around the world, and majority of my childhood friends are from different backgrounds, Im "surprised" I havent experienced anything bad with immigration... :)

    I knew you were going to bring up the bomb in Stockholm ;)

    Its our first suicide bombing in Sweden... It "only" took a few hundred years, meanwhile as late as 2 years ago, neo-nazis murdered 3 innocent teenagers, and this year, yet another psycho shot some 15 immigrants, killing two... Racially motivated... 1999 in Malexander, 3 Nazis that executed two cops after a bank robbery etc etc...

    To try and sum it up: The idiot who blew himself up, along with the Nazis/racists, are all equally stupid - regardless their nationalities, religious beliefs, background, upbringings etc. Do I hate "white Swedes" because of the nazis and racists? Nope. Do I hate Muslims thanks to this jerk? Nope.

    Anyways, trying to get back on track: I think what bugs me the most("No Sh*t Sherlock", haha) is that you DONT differentiate between individuals, but rather seem to think "A few did/do this - that must mean they ALL do it."

    I got assaulted and robbed(attempted) by 3 Australians when living in Melbourne... How in the h*ll could I even pretend to think that they are "all the same"...?

    Wont ever see that so called "logic".

    We can go on and on with this, but I will always come to the same conclusion: You judge an entire nationality, based on the actions of some.

    Thus: To ever reach an agreement, is impossible.

    Take care :)
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