Im about to lose control...... and I think I like it!!! hahaha remember that song........ Im at work and cant get ANYTHING done, taking off from here in 2 hours, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hurry up, hurry up!!
leave work, go to bank, then drive to chicago! Check into hotel, wait until 6:30, pick linz up from the airport, then sleep! Limo picking us up at 5:45am on the dot for our flight out tomorrow morning!! Woohoooooo I am READY to go needless to say!
Loosing control? Quick, put on a UCD (Urine Control Device) just like that crazy Astronaut Lisa Nowak! :lol: Seriously though, I hope ya'll have a wild time. :!: I'm sooooo jealous that,,, I just might loose control and need a diaper myself!!!
have a safe one brother keep in touch and we will see you on the 13th at slices at what time again???