Dont know how you all feel, but as each year goes by, this group gets stronger and stronger, and I feel 08' will be a blow out year! Especially with CC people there the SAME week and possibly at the SAME hotel! ohhh watch out!!! March 8-15 2008, Oasis Cancun, its going to get REAL ugly people!! Wooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooo
I think that it will be the best yet...especially with all these crazy CC people going at the same time!
scary is what it is!! We will RUN the oasis! Imagine all of us poolside/beach side partying? Oh my! :shock: we will own that place...........................
Oh the humanity... When CC invades in 08, God have mercy on the souls of those who try to hang with us.
wouldnt want to do that kait, thats where the party is during the day! And thats where LOTS of ccers are staying! ME included so back off jack off, muhahaha