How busy do you think / know Cancum will be in the 1st week of April this year? Me and 5 of my pals went last year in july and loved it so we have booked to come back again on the 2nd April staying in the RIU Cancun (we stayed in RIU Caribe last year) Where are my mannors..... Hello everyone and at the risk of sounding's great to be here lol. By the way Im from London England so if my cockney slang is a little too much just tell me to shut up lol. I also realise that while im at work most of you good people will be in bed getting your nut down (sleeping) so i wont expect any replies until tomorrow. Nice one peeps.
its almost 11 am here. who sleeps that late :wink: welcome though me thinks that the first week of april will still be busy, but not as busy as the first two weeks in march, but definately busy
Hello and welcome you cockney wanger..... Ian :lol: :lol: :lol: PS. Why does the bloke in your avata have a head the size of a peanut :?: :lol: .
well i think cancun is busy almost every single week of the year... but the first 2 weeks of march are busy as hell hahahaha spring break's the bomb! hahaha :bounce:
11am oh sorry apple my bad lol, Oi Ian less of the wan*er please pal lol. I have never been to a spring break destination, i only really go away in the summer but fancied a change this year. I really wanted to go in march but I run night clubs so was unable to take any of march off as we have bank holidays over here in march which are really busy for the clubs. Mormis i take it your out there the 1st 2 weeks in march then mate?
too bad, u should be going!!!!! im only going for 4 days and yup, the first weekend of march hahahaha CANT WAIT! 49 days only hahaha
Thanks Kait13 good to be here. mormis tell me about it hun, i really wanted to go the 1st few weeks in march but work commitments wont allow me, ah well next year. Im sure me and the lads will have a good time in april.
well thats a fact, i think that as long as you're with the right people you'll have a great time in Cancun. Cancun its an amazing place to be at... i just love it, and i mean what can i say? being mexican Cancun makes me really really proud :bounce: