its at the very top of the TTR page.. under rates and promotions.. click on it .. a window comes up and in the deluxe Garden box you can click at the bottom, show roon details and prices.. its in there...
Thanks for the update Partydollgirl.. we are thinking about going over xmas and new years this year. We are thinking about trying out using Air Miles... not sure about that though, someone else I believe said they used theirs and it wasn't a direct flight. I really like getting on a plane and when I get off I'm there. However it might be worth a look. Thanks again
Brewster handles all of our trips, he could give you more info than I can.. but I know we have used Areoplan and airmiles on our trips.. and if my memory serves me .. i dont recall ever having to do a connecting flight.. I am trying to covince Bruce to go again this fall ... and again in April.. lol I am not having much luck so far... hahah!!!
You guys are reading it wrong. I thought that is what it was also but it isnt. Here is how it works for example single 100 bucks double 80 bucks. extra person 70 bucks If a person goes by themselves it will only be 100 dollars BUT if it is two people you have to add the 100 bucks plus the 80 bucks which makes it a double. If you have 3 people then you add another 70 bucks. It is a very confusing rates and promotion chart. Going thru the hotel will never be cheaper the on diff. websites. At least that is my personal experience
My heart is set to be able to go again this year over xmas and New Years... however I've had a new job offer which I'm pretty sure I'm going to accept. So not sure if I will be able to go for the two weeks I'm planning on.... The winter time is the busiest time of the year in our industry. So never know we might see you in April 2011.. now that I've said that... that is way to long to wait.. we just might see you this
Yeah... just noticed it says.. All rates listed below are per person per night and taxes Included in All Inclusive Plan. so 90 a nignt would be $180 for a couple .. still not bad.. lol
hey fellow ute here. we booked through expedia with travel insur., rt air, room, and paid 1,900 7 night stay. we leave 7:20 to ariz. get to TTR at 3:00. i stop worth it to us. but as usual, right before we leave a better deal will show up. see ya there.
We booked last night on Expedia for September 6-13. Flying out of Kansas City through Charlotte on USAir, arriving in Cancun at 11:30 AM!!! Got our flights and room for the week for a grand total of $1547, best deal I found anywhere after looking for about 4 months!