To condense: New Haven area hotels: Hartford area - just incase, but it seems like Dennis is leaning toward New Haven.,US2MEF3KZIDYUCSGBIXM22Q
We apologize, the following errors have occurred: # Sorry, there is no availability for the days requested, please try other dates.
ah crap!! I am surprised they're booked so soon! Okay, the other hotel is in a nice location too, but I will continue to look for some other options in that area.
I've neve stayed here & not exactly sure where it is, but it says Yale is in their backyard, something worth checking into anyway:
again, never stayed here, but location looks right:
I get linked to an almost blank page. I'm a little disappointed. People are crossing international borders and oceans to have a drink in your company, myself included. I figured the least you could do was to provide accurate information on available hotel rooms in the area.