You know when you smell something, say a cologne or perfume and it reminds you of something else...I got that the other day with some body wash in the shower. Reminded me so much of Cancun that I actually had a dream about it last night, I am going mad......the CWS has returned!!!!
Same thing for me fletch but it wasnt shampoo. I dont exactly remember what it was but the other day something reminded me of cancun and I couldnt get it out of my mind.
i also was having a drink at Chazs lounge the other night and whatever drink he made smelled just like a drink I got at Pat Obriens
hooters reminds me of cancun lately. Just seeing shauny and spencer eat at LEAST 2 full platters per person.........on top of all the drinks we had AND then we hit the OXXO for 40oz of SOL! Amazing!
once I a week I feel that cancun feeling. Few weeks ago I went out for somre drinks and I just felt cancun inside me, so I text jason. :lol: Then the other day I saw a boat jet by, I work next to a body of water, and white waves crashed up, for a second I was back in cancun. Sucks we gotta wait so long. :cry: