I was @ Temptation 4/12-4/19 and met a young English lady by the name of Racheal. She was with 2 friends, a guy named Owen and a another young lady, her name escapes me but it was unique. Here's the deal: I was good for three days and something unforseen happened. Nothing too terrible, but it took me out of all activities for the remainder of the trip. I really enjoyed being around this young lady and she enjoyed being around me. If anyone knows any info about her or someone she was with, please let me know? i am not some psycho stalker, just ask my shrink (LOL) If anything else forward this info and ask her yourself: email: tjaygrid@hotmail.com, facebook name: Thomas Jason Grider. I know this is not the the place for this, but i really feel I need to find her. This is the first time I have done this. I think it was "Summer Lovin", cue song. O damn I'm quoting GREASE. This boy must be smitten.
Hola Jay, Sorry bout whatever happened to ya on your trip, that's a real bummer. I wish I could help ya, but I wasn't there. Don't give up hope tho, someone else may know how to contact her for you. Good luck in your search. Michelle
Please let us know if you find her. It's too bad you are having to look for her now. Good Luck to you!
hi do you know what part of the uk she came from and maybe her last name ? mite be a chance if you mail the hotel they just mite give you her full name then maybe have a look at the web site www.friendsreunited.co.uk thats the best i can give you with your quest to find her good luck
Thank you. I did not get that info from her, or I just can't remember. I am still trying to recall all the info I can. I'll just search all of the UK. I have always wanted to go there. Thanks for your help, though. I do have a pic I need to put on here, I just have to figure out how. [/code]
Hey Jay, you could post a "missed Connections" to craigslist in the UK........go to www.craiglist.org and click on "UK" and then "missed connections"....that might help find her.....
Jay, did you fall in love while I was there are was it after we left. It was't by chance the girl Kathy danced with our last night there. Terry