I just have to get this off my chest or I'm going to explode..

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by AJL_NC_34, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. AJL_NC_34

    AJL_NC_34 Guest

    +0 / 0

    We can't wait to celebrate with you in a judgment free environment:) your always beautiful, no matter WHAT! :)

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  2. Mommabear

    Mommabear I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 17, 2010
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    Kickapoo IL and New Jersey
    +270 / 0
    As others have said, 1st of all thank you to all service men and women for their service. And shame on people for their judgement or ignorance.
    My mother was called a bitch for parking in a handicap parking spot, because she "looked" fine. My mother and her wit opened her shirt right there showed her 1 month old scar and said you try walking from the other end of the parking lot with 1 lung... BITCH!
    Needless to say the other lady did not go into the store, she left. Or while with my father and his advanced Alzheimers people being rude because Dad thought he knew someone or said hi to everyone and would give kids a high 5. Parents would grab their kids and call my dad a pervert.
  3. AJL_NC_34

    AJL_NC_34 Guest

    +0 / 0

    Keep your head up always Doll! I have been called a baby killer, an idiot that wasted his best years in the Army, and one girl even spat on me when I was in uniform. Own yourself, don't let others get to you. Like my Father told me "the world is full of assholes" be you! I can tell already your great.. :)

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  4. AJL_NC_34

    AJL_NC_34 Guest

    +0 / 0

    I'm so sorry about your parents, I think you're Ma and me are a lot alike.. LOL that had me laughing in a wonderful way when you told about her showing her scar and calling the other woman a bitch. Some people don't take the time to find out why people like your mother have to park closer, or that someone like me has a limp when he walks the world is full of jerks. People calling your father a pervert because he was just being nice is a good example of how people perceive others.

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  5. Duckman and Kelly

    Duckman and Kelly Addict Registered Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I find this thread becoming one of the things I love most about TTR, we all know better than to judge a book by its cover!
  6. southsoundfun

    southsoundfun Addict Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Tacoma, WA
    +152 / 0

    Find us on April 8th and we will buy you beer !!!!!

    Matt and Amanda
    April 3rd - 13th, 2015
  7. AJL_NC_34

    AJL_NC_34 Guest

    +0 / 0

    You guys are very nice :)

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  8. FunFoss

    FunFoss Addict Registered Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    sometimes you're going to run into folks that are just plain dumb!!
  9. vacationfun2

    vacationfun2 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Thank you to those that have posted for your stories and service. Often time we deal with dumb people. I am hoping that most of them are just ignorant to the real world and not totally dumb We all need to have better filters before we speak, on occasion.

    I have found that most people are kind it is just the assholes that irk us. I sure should like to have back a few (hundred) of my stupid comments. I salute our soldiers and cancer survivors.

    I hope that these comments made sense.
  10. jimnloli

    jimnloli Addict Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Grapevine TX
    +21 / 0
    When I served. We weren't even allowed to wear our fatigues off base because people didn't like the Military in the area. Times have changed though and even though you got shit on it is better times and brighter days for us. Look at all the positive comments your post generated!

    Now a days, we stop and cheer for the guys when they return from tour and they walk through the airport (here at DFW)

    Many times we give up our seats so they can sit first class on flights and the flight attendants pay extra special care of them (American Airlines)

    When the guys come into our local bar they hardly get to buy a drink because everybody wants to set them up and shake hands and say Thank You! (Grapevine)

    I'm sorry you got crap treatment but I bet for the most part folks are pretty appreciative and thankful. At least we are here in Texas!
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