Today is Martin Luther King Jr Day observed we all know what his dream was. Post a dream you have in regards to Spring Break Start your post with I have a dream. I will go first! I have a Dream that 2007's Cancun Spring Break will be the best Spring Break ever....wait that's not a dream its the Truth DREAMS COME TRUE !
Oh yes MLK day.....Glad he was around in those days...Sure made a difference. Watched a documentary last night on the KKK and how MLK influenced and irritated them. Quite interesting doc...
I HAVE A DREAM.................. That the next 53 days will go by fast and we will ROCK OUT in cancun............. yes............. I have a dream!
All this talk about me..hee hee My dream is that everything goes smoothly..Everyone is happy and I have a bloody blast
I have a deam of me and the rest of CC lounging on the beach in the 90 degree sun, drinking a Doe Equis, Corona, or anything for that matter and then partying like its 1999
Hey, fletch wont make me a victim................... well........... we ARE at theh same hotel, so Im not going to say no, but.............. I have plans for fletch!! Ohhhh GOOD times ahead, good times!