was invited to a semi-formal this weekend, so i decided to go.......yes these pictures are of me and who you all think it is....and no there is nothing going on there, im still going to cancun and still going SINGLE!! lol enjoy heres the rundown of what happened. started drinking around 5, just beers, few shots of vodka, turned into shots of jager. Get to semi, sneak in bottle of jager in jacket, proceed to take swigs of it all night, order few more drinks from the open bar....and here is the end result (note, i do NOT remember any of these pictures hahaha) so here we have me akwardly eating lettuce? here we have me.....with one eye going one way, one eye half open going the other.....id say it was a good night of drinking and my favorite.........this is me, passed out at the table.....apparently during dinner
well done fletch! sooooo proud *cry cry* i had my leaving party the other night in boro, we only take disposable cameras out with us, a digital one would just get battered. i get them developed tomoro, i'll put some up. i have no memory of the night. all i know is i bought a new dress and its soooo cute but the next morning i looked at it and it has a rip going right up the front of it. i just pray that happened at home otherwise the pictures are going to be a little graphic EEEEK!