Yeah I mean posting a story about someone getting beaten up for being "annoying" while comparing that to me. Gee, wonder where I could get that idea from. Little Johnny got beat up alot for being annoying right? Also, the didn't "belittle" anyone. Maybe you should go back and see who "belittled" whom first. Didn't realize I wasn't allowed to say something negative about the Entertainment staff, who have all basically left. Can't post anything unless it's 100% positive huh?
oh boy can't we just talk about the hurricane again? I have a bad feeling as to where this is going...
Can we stop this ganging up please. I am sure the original posters intention was not malicious. Like he said, he didn't catch the full story and jumped to a conclusion. I think we've all done that. On a related note, when they had the tsunami in Japan 2011 we had someone ask if the wave would affect Cancun. Now that is a geographical mistake!
I am certain that there were a lot of very sad and shocked people watching the news that day Steve, compassion knows no boudaries! :aktion070:
I'm in Texas and talk to people around the country job related and they ask about some chit chat question about some news with the border and I'm like Hell, I don't know! That's 600 miles away from Dallas! Lots of times, people have no idea. I don't know all the states in Mexico neither but I probably would of read the whole article before posting on a forum. This topic, its a wash. Bad form all over the place. I made some " wish I could have that back " posts too. Always Dangerous posting after happy hour!