not in my city!! Over 250,000 people, 2nd largest in indiana, however, 30 minutes outside the city, all the corn you want hahaha.
oh no if only i understood that joke well its guna beat living in england! its a big thing for me and ykno i think its guna do alot for my life in the big im close to kristi nomore oceans to cross....
Indiana Jokes Indiana: 2 Billion Years Tidal Wave Free. Auburn It is illegal to bike, roller-skate, skateboard, or inline skate in a commercially zoned area. For these offesnses, there is a fine of no more than $5 or the impounding of one's bicycle for a period not to exceed 30 days. Beech Grove It is forbidden to eat watermelon in the park. Elkhart It is illegal for barbers to threaten to cut off kid's ears. Evansville While driving on Main Street you may not have your lights on. Fort Wayne You may not sell or play on a radio broadcast, the record "It`s In the Book". Gary Within four hours of eating garlic, a person may not enter a movie house, theater, or ride a public streetcar. South Bend It is illegal to make a monkey smoke a cigarette. Terre Haute No one may spit on the sidewalk.
thankyou guys and you wait once i get there again fingers crossed i will understand these jokes then ITS ON!!