I booked an 8 night stay with the intention of booking my flight after I got the hotel. However, now that I'm looking into it, the flight looks to be more expensive than the hotel! I'm seeing $1200/person with layovers in Texas out of San Jose. How do most Californians get to Cancun cheaply? Also, would it be cheaper to fly out of San Diego?
I would check Travelocity, it let's you check from surrounding airports. We don't get a lot of traffic here from CA, most of ya'll seem to go down the west coast of Mexico. And when people do come they change in Texas or somewhere.
My husband and I are coming to Cancun from California in August. We booked our flight through cheaptickets.com in April. Our total was $889.06 round trip and we will be flying American Air. Obviously, the earlier you purchase your tickets the better. Feel free to pm me if you need any additional info.
Left you the number of an acquaintance of mine that comes to Cancun same time as us every year from California in your PM message box. Call him and ask - chances are he'll know the best way.
From my searches and Experience. LAX seems to be the cheapest. are you flying out of San Jose? If so. check with Expedia flying out of LAX. then book a flight with Southwest directly for 49 dollars each way from San Jose to LAX. they have flights almost every hour. Or if you are near San Diego, then you might want to flight out og Tijuana. that might be cheaper than LAX
I've done it twice, both times the same way, once from San Jose, the other from LA. San Jose to Miami, FL -always found a flight for sub $100 Miami to Cancun - often find cheap flights to Cancun ($49 to $150)
Is Funjets legit? They seem to have some good deals out of Dallas, which isn't too expensive to fly to from San Jose.
I'm not sure if you've got your flight yet but i used www.kayak.com to book my ticket which was then routed back to cheaptickets.com and got my ticket for under $500pp flying out of SFO with a 1hr layover in Mexico City. But I fly red eye @ 12:40am so I don't waste my Friday. San Jose and oakland will be more expensive to get to Cancun. So 40 minute drive to save $300pp x 4 that's $1200 definitely worth it. HTH.