I dont have a passport, but ILL show you my drivers card!! I really do need to get a passport though, as much traveling as I do, and as much traveling as I plan to do!! I need one if Im going to the UK huh??? I may just invade the herd house!!!!
<----------- is thinking of a trip there over the new year....all depends on a couple of things.. 1) how bad a dent christmas puts in my bank account 2) if i can find someone to come with me...
what city do you all live in exactly anyways?? Is it near any large cities?? Is there a lot to do? A lot of museums and architecture?? Would love to visit sometime!! And party with the herd of course!!
we live in peterborough, its 80 miles away from london, an hour on the train! Ur welcome to come, the herd invade our house every month or so. U need to come before june!
yeah OMG!!! why didnt we think of this before!!! come to our house! we'll make sure you see the sites!!!!! *mutters under breath* " muhaaa haaa haaa haaa victimmmmmm!!!!!"