How much $$$ ?

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by Currrrvy-on-crack, Dec 28, 2006.

  1. Currrrvy-on-crack

    Currrrvy-on-crack Guest

    +0 / 0

    Am curious:

    How much $$$ did you bring last time you went?

    How much $$$ did you end up spending?

    (anything to pass time in the office)
  2. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Well welcome newbie..

    hee hee

    I know I am bored too BIG TIME>.

    I usually bring 7 x 50 USD each night....And I am ok with that. And have not needed to go to bank or anything...
  3. Currrrvy-on-crack

    Currrrvy-on-crack Guest

    +0 / 0
    hello fellow newcomer! let's entertain ourselves -

    but then what about the pizza man?

    the cabs?

    the knick-knacks for family and friends?

    the excursion?

    ooo, also, i find it nice to have a meal out from the hotel - the last few times I went to that Argentinian steakhouse - amazing, also Bubba Gump - really good too !
  4. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Well I was ok for that stuff too and me and Marissa got pizza and stuff.

    Cabs aren't that much. And most clubs aren't 50 bucks so the extra money goes to cabs Maybe 400 would be good. And even last year I went horseback riding too....with 60 bucks...And I was still ok..
  5. Currrrvy-on-crack

    Currrrvy-on-crack Guest

    +0 / 0
    Then I am doing something wrong!

    he he

    *can't wait*


    I was thinking - I think I will surprise my friend and pre-select the seats in advance for the mtl-cancun portion - then when we get to the airport at 4 am, all will be settled and we won't have to worry about sitting separately?
    I pretended to buy the same package yesterday - the plane is full!
  6. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Oh Yeha I am sure alot of people will be on tha plane....So 15 bucks for the pre selected seats.

    Once thing though, I don't really shop when I go to Cancun. After being there what 5 times, I have been there done that with the touristy souvieners and literally got the t shirt.
  7. Currrrvy-on-crack

    Currrrvy-on-crack Guest

    +0 / 0
    he he

    you have a lovely cancun t-shirt?
  8. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Yeah you know the first time you go and buy all the tourist stuff. Picture frames, Dolphin statues...T Shirts..
  9. Currrrvy-on-crack

    Currrrvy-on-crack Guest

    +0 / 0

    On her fridge, my mum still has this dolphin magnet (made out of sand) I bought her like 5 years ago!

    I like my cancun shorts!

    Annoying moment: when an asswipe buys a sombrero and brings it on the plane.
  10. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Oh gosh one year I had this lady who brought some star sculpture on the plane in her carry on..This was pre 911 but still it was a pointy big star and barely fit in her bag and she put it at her feet. So stepping over her was indiana jones style :roll:
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