Love how just a few comments about smoking gets so much negative attention, people easily using terms like ridiculous, stupid, or just expect to be treated accordingly.......even when you say your courteous and step away.......just goes to show the intolerance of some people.......Can see this has now become a bash the smokers forum......
Yeah, poor smokers, Who's going to defend their right to increase the price of health care and blow cancerous chemicals towards people trying to be healthy? Honestly, do yourself a favor and stop posting, you're not going to win an argument about smoking because most intelligent, informed people know it's stupid.
As the OP, I was really hoping this didn't turn into a smoker/non-smoker debate. Guess that didn't work out like I planned. Differences of opinion are fine but there are ways to disagree and still be polite about it. There's already enough rudeness in the world - a little bit of politeness helps to offset the imbalance...
Not looking for your sympathy, understanding or even your blessing.....Just looking at two different points of view, but as I can see you only have one point of view....Can see you do not have the ability to have an intelligent debate over anything.......
Hate to see that your thread got out of hand......Yeah smoking and not smoking is really a touchy subject at I agree with you though, everyone can differ with there opinion without being rude about......well, most people can.... No worries with me though, I try to keep my smoking away from non-smokers just out of courtesy....although there is one guy on here I would probably go sit next too, just for the hell of it.....