Since we drink like college kids at TTR we also smoke like chimneys when we are there...but we do respect non smokers and dont blow smoke by them and try and not smoke in Patyo's as much
It really comes down to both camps meeting half way and making the effort to respect each side of this contentious coin and working together so all can enjoy their vacation despite the issue and since TTR doesn't have separate smoking / no smoking areas. Anyone standing on a soap box preaching 100% pro or con smoking doesn't get my vote or respect even though I respect the right to their position. Let's face it, an asshole is an asshole regardless of the view point. It isn't a prefect world but we can ALL try to make it better and meet half way in the middle ground IMHO
It's become so politically incorrect to be a smoker now, that the only people that still smoke are the ones you will never convince to stop. Thank God us non-smokers should out live them to breathe clean air one day. ( sarcasm , with a touch of truthfulness)
I worked at a location that had a smoking area that you could only be in / get to was by your own choice. Yet people would come out to "comment" about messed up is that? I actually told some off rather harshly and (not proud of it) laced with profanity. Summed it up with "You don't F*ing like WalMart then don't F*ing go to WalMart" Not sure if the other smokers some of who were Majors, Colonels and at least one general appreciated a mouthy Sergeant telling off civilian employees (who thought they were golden because of the union). Ooooops was all I told my boss, lol.
Whatever you do, don't buy it from the vendors walking on the beach. They are all fakes, no matter how authentic they look.
Bring one from home. There are cigar shops in Cancun, but it's best to bring a good one in case you don't make it out to one of those stores.
Yes, it is an irritant to some and an actual allergy to others like myself. I had the opportunity to take the injections in hopes for myself to build an immune boast to help. However my allergist/ENT said I could try doing it but is an uphill battle and in the end it wouldn't be worth it. And yes, I did go through the testing for it. It is an actual allergy. And worst of all...second hand smoke is just as harmful. I do appreciate when smokers are considerate for others, but I also am considerate of them. To me it is a two way street on my part and on others.
Have to agree with you to a certain extent, almost completely actually, Donald Don't think it is a matter of convincing them to stop but rather convincing them that they can stop if they choose to. A lot of smokers have convinced themselves that they can't stop for whatever reasons...and I probably fall in to that category unfortunately despite knowing better.