This has become hilarious and I haven't checked this thread in over a week....Can't everyone just get along.....And stop trying to turn Cancun into the California.....I'm very courteous when it comes to smoking....well most of the time if I wanted to go somewhere that forbid me from smoking at all I would just stay in the US....I think that is the biggest problem....Never really understood why people go somewhere because they don't like where they are at, just to try and change the place into something exactly like they came from......
No...I was an earlier instigator I guess when the thread first started, but I changed my evil ways, smoked 3 more cartons and decided to quit sometime before I die......Even if only a few
Ok it's almost midnight....No more CCC for the night.....Time for a cigarette then off to bed....LMAO......
Yeah it sucks.......I had to wait till people stopped shooting at us first.....set here for over an hour almost literally dying to smoke......lmao.....
Nothing like all the puns and play on words, which is how a dang post is suppose to read........not all the serious junk.....