we go twice a year ..march then sept .. one year we snuck in a third trip and sadly some years its just the once ..
Ideally I would like to go twice a year. With work and the amount of vacation time we get in the US, that's pretty much the maximum for me at this point in life right now. However, the other thing that comes into play is family vacation. So for the last couple of years it has been 1 TTR trip and then 1 family trip to Cancun.
3-4 times a year...Feb, April, Aug, Oct-Nov (Halloween). May add another trip or 2 per year. Will also try Desire soon and might split trips like others sometimes due
The most we've ever been to TTR was 5 times in one year. Two week-long stays, two 5-night stays, and one 3-night stay. I think it was February, April, July August and October. I think that was 2012, the year we got our membership and we were taking full advantage. In the TTR-reno year we ended up in Cancun 5 times again that year, staying at TTR twice before the reno, then at DRM twice and at Pearl for a week.
Working on twice a year!...vaca time is one issue, but for us Canucks, paying between $4 and $5000 CAD a pop, we need a hell of an income to be able to get there 5 times a year. Plus keeping the family happy... no wonder the bank account has nothing to show!
Started out once per year. That soon became twice, and last year did 3 trips. Cutting back to 2 again this year and may revert to once per in the future so I can start experiencing other places again