Hi everyone. From all the pics I've seen, it looks like it's mostly couples at Temptation. Some girlfriends and I are wanting to come there but we don't know that there will be any single guys to hang out with. Can you give us an idea of how many singles there are? And with the singles that are there, what is the ratio between men and women? this would be our first time to this kind of resort. We are wondering if we should just stay at say , at The Royal? Any suggestions would be awesome! Thanks! SSessa
Although we're not single, at least back in April when we were there, there were a lot of single guys & gals! Believe it was right in the middle of singles week though. Anybody else chime in on this? :?:
The Royal is nothing but mom dad and their 3 to 4 wild kids running all over the place. Not a place to hook up with guys. I'll let you borrow Jason as long as you bring him back! LOL! AMY
Although you mostly read postings from couples, it is still Cancun-you can throw a dead cat and hit a single guy. Very target rich environment for you at TTR. I agree with Amy-stick to adult-only hotels, being summertime there will be a lot of families vacationing at the other hotels. Marsh
From what I saw you each can have at least two single guys! There are plenty! Go to Temptations...you wont regret it!
We were at Temptation in March there were many single guy's and gal's. More guy's, maybe 2 or 3 to one in your favor. It was also Spring Break. Everyone had a good time. Go to Temptation you will like it.