This is true! Wasn't meaning to imply that a majority are but I'll still wager that the ones that are aren't advertising it at TTR.
tell her to have a no worries moment. you can run and hide, blend in with a crowd, meet tons of people, or just go be yurself at the beach or quiet pool. but if you seek it, it can find you. as far as the singles guys, treat them as you would at home. once in a rare moon, we get one that shows themself, but you also have more couples for " in common and things to do" watching your back. have fun. '
I was wondering about how the singles scene has been at TTR lately as our single female friend is keen on going with us this Feb. She is worried that where it is Valentine's Day week, there may be just couples. We were there in 2010 and met and hung out with a few great single guys amongst our group. Not sure what to tell her....
Hey Fellow Feb party goers! As a single and repeater I can say there are a number of singles that go that are mixed in the crowds of couples having a great time. She will find that there may be more single guys then girls there who will make sure she does not feel out of place. If it gives her any assurance I will make sure of it
Hey guys - check out the Shit Show 2015 thread for the "romantic vday week" crew. It ain't lobster and champagne on the beach and early to bed I assure you!