Guess us Texans will have to hold it worries we will party hard enough to make up for y’alls inability to make it
We’re gonna try, not as experienced as @ScubaSteve and his beautiful wife but we’ll give it hell and then some.
Experience can sometimes be overcome with youth and spirit! Show them that Texas spirit. BTW, we left a Texas flag for Steve on the BC boat (again for the second time). If you go, have him hoist it up. We always have them fly it!
But really our great State. They can have some of the others, like my original birth State...the Socialist Republic of Maryland. The only thing we like is our relatives and that beautiful colored State flag/seal. Oh, and those University of Maryland football team uniforms.
6 days left and we shalllll be in the building! I am planning on coming back in July or August, anyone else for those months?