I though Canada should be included as USA just as Angela has banded England, Wales Scotland and Northern Ireland under the UK banner . Ian :lol: :lol: :lol:
actually, I've had a re think on this ( Spot who's sat at home bored )... I believe the list should just read Sweden, Germany and the British Commonwealth circa 1700 as I do believe we owned you lot. And the Aussies. :lol: :lol: Ian :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thats it then. Riki and I win, ( been British abnd upstanding members of the British Empire and all that) and you lose. Now lock the thread. Ian :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i do believe that you still own canada no? as for being more canadians..umm i think there is a significant more amount of canadians than swedes on here no? :?
Apparently so, however the gerneral concensus is that canada gone a bit boring for us young get up and go type Brits so were going to trade you in for a small portion of South America, namely Cancun. It will serve proer English lager. You will not have to tip just to breath he local air. There will be a kebab house on every corner. It will be renamed Great Cancun. And finally it will be law to have jiggy jiggy longtime with a slightly overweight, yet still ruggedly handsome member of the motherland called Ian. All in favour say AYE. Ian :lol: :lol: