How far is My Place from Congo Bar? Can we walk from one to the other? Thanks! CANCUN COUNTDOWN!!!! 11 DAYS AND COUNTING!! :daveandmo: :cdncat: :michaelf:
They're pretty much across the street from each other. You have to walk down a side street of alley to actually cross the street but like Isaid, they're pretty much acrposs the street from each other.
Anytime! But of you are interested in a map that will show you EVERYTHING you need to know about Cancun, check out the Can-Do maps. There's a link at the bottom of this page and it is the very best $8 or $9 you'll spend getting ready for your trip. Tells you everything you want to know and a lot that you didn't think even think to ask. I've been to Cancun about 100 times (literally) and I love the map as does my boyfriend and his friends who live there.
Love the can-do map, was disapointed that the royal cancun was not on it. Still dont know where it is.
Have the Maps been updated? I have a set I bought two years ago. Don't know if it is still accurate, with shops restaurants, hotels, etc....
The maps were updates after Wilma so if you bought yours after that you have the most updated there is. If you bought yours before Wilma then it's time for a new one. :lol:
going out of My Place cross the street in front of Friday and between Coco and Teres restaurant and burger King is what we call "callejón de los milagros" walk through it pass Taco Factory, Tacolote and you will get to a corner: to your right Dady'O to your left; Slices and in front of you crossing the street Coco Bongo.